This wave of video calls hit us during quarantine when social isolation forced us to find other ways to communicate, both with our relatives and with our co-workers.

Skype was one of the biggest acquisitions in Microsoft’s history, bought in 2011 for $8.5 billion. It was created in 2003 by Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis, in 2005 it was sold to eBay and was once the most popular video calling service app in the world. Although Microsoft is focused on promoting Teams, it has not left Skype aside and proof of this is that it has just launched its redesign, with a new look and other features.

What’s new on Skype?

As you already know, Skype is revamping itself and getting new features and a new amazing look. According to the company, there will be major changes in its design, in addition to the features and even the performance of calls. But calm down! This is not right away. We have to wait until the end of 2021 for all the news to appear and then yes, we will meet a new and completely revamped Skype. This is a real Skype modernization and Microsoft has been hearing a lot of feedback to come to these changes. Over the past 5 years, Skype has gone through many changes, yet Microsoft wants to modernize it so that it can be more noticed and, thus, be seen again by users.

Colorful themes

Skype just got more colorful! It looks happier, more alive, and new themes for this version will be available soon. This is only the first facet of the new look and features that Skype is getting. You can also choose from view types such as speaker view, grid view, large gallery, Together mode, and content view. In short, you’ll be able to customize your Skype in the way that suits you best.


Skype’s changes aren’t just about design, as it will also have new features, including custom notification sounds, which are now live. Another feature that is yet to come is called TwinCam, which allows you to add your phone’s camera via QR Code, which goes far beyond the fact that Skype is getting a new look. Also an important part of this change process is what Microsoft calls the call phase. All callers will be immediately included in the grid, even if they have not activated the video function. This way, all participants will be side by side in the video, including the meeting organizer’s video, which will be in the main interface. It is possible that your camera image is placed in the center or that it is visible only to you. In fact, Skype will be highly customizable, with lots of options for you to make it your own. The virtual scenery also had its changes. Now you can abuse fun backgrounds, being possible even to put all participants in the same virtual scenery. In addition, the contact icons, as well as the text boxes will have their own colors. And there’s more! Skype will host new icons and we’ll also have new features on the left side menu and at the top of chats, all to prove the point that it is getting a completely new look!

Performance and other news

Microsoft says it is increasing the performance of the Android version by more than 2,000% and by 30% on the desktop versions of Skype. Likewise, you’ll be able to control the consumption of phone data, if you’re not on WiFi, as well as if you have unstable connections. In addition, Microsoft said it will still be possible to make calls without having downloaded the app, especially by using the Meet Now feature. Beforehand, it has already been confirmed that there will be support for the main browsers in the segment, which also gained a more modern look. It is not news that Microsoft has been applying improvements to Skype. We are experiencing the latest one, but a lot has changed since 2011, since its purchase. First, Skype had a tweak in 2014, then it had its design modified in 2017, plus another in 2018. As we have already informed, not everything will be changed immediately, and in the coming months, we can wait for the implementation of the new features mentioned here.

Did you like to hear about how Skype is getting a new look?

Did you like to know that Skype is revamping itself and gaining new features? Have you ever used Skype before? Tell us in the comments! Don’t forget to also check out the most essential Android apps!