We frequently don’t know what exactly to use so as to connect with our target demographic on Insta. The goal with this text is to stop your writer’s block and help you fill out your bio with ease, and help you on getting more popular. Another thing you can do is start using any of the websites to get Instagram followers! However, you might have ended up here for a myriad of reasons. Maybe you’re after a complete bio to use in your business, or perhaps you want a bio that’s filled with productivity or motivational quotes or even to show off your skills. To better satisfy all your requests, we’ve split this article into four categories, picking the best quotes for each one.


If you use your Instagram for business, knowing how to make your biography is essential. It will help to ensure your clients connect with you. For that, we’ve picked some of the most used quotes. Whether it is to sell on Instagram, promote your products or services or even if you have your own display on Instagram Shopping, consider leveraging your bio to get more results.

Following are some of the quotes you can use when filling yours out:

Founded by @yourpersonalprofile; Professional contact your@email.com; x% off in all our products! Check out on our website!; Learn more about all our advantages and don’t miss our Instagram live on day; Wish to know more about our business? Go to our webpage!; Product. Limited edition! Learn more in our website!/ Learn how to do something on our blog! (link to your guides and tutorials blog); Name of your business. Motto or effect phrase of your business; Japanese food. Made with care and the best quality ingredients. (Idea for restaurants); Do you wan to be healthier? Check out our products or workouts. (Idea for fitness e-commerce, gyms, personal trainers); We have the solution you need. Ask us for a quote!; Go to our store! Physical address and contact number. Turn your home into a personal palace! (Idea for architects, furniture stores); We develop perfect solutions for your business. (Idea for software engineering companies); Do you want to become an expert in area? Check out our courses!; Special prices every day of the week! Check out our menu (Idea for restaurants); We deliver anywhere in the country. Buy from our website; We deliver in delivery area! Contact info; Follow our profile in social networks you use. (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc.); Position or participation of project or company. (E.g. Creator of @apptuts);


Quotes that help spread productivity fit in very well with professional, business or even personal profiles. Of course, you can’t talk about productivity via Instagram bio quotes if you yourself aren’t managing your tasks, so you should work on creating and keeping up with your own task lists daily. If you’re a fan of productivity, check out some that you can use:

If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done. – Bruce Lee. You may delay, but time will not. – Benjamin Franklin There is no substitute for hard work. – Thomas Edison Action is the foundational key to all success. – Picasso Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work. – Stephen King It not knowing what to do, it’s doing what you know. – Tony Robbins Focus on being productive instead of busy. – Tim Ferriss Efficiency is doing better what is already being done. – Peter Drucker Luck is preparation meeting opportunity. – Oprah Winfrey Lost time is never found again. – Benjamin Franklin Opportunities multiply as they are seized. – Sun Tzu Productivity is being able to do things that you were never able to do before. – Franz Kafka Time is at once the most valuable and the most perishable of all our possessions. – John Randolph Do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made out of. – Benjamin Franklin By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail. – Benjamin Franklin Don’t confuse the urgent with the important. – Preston Ni As a writer, you should not judge, you should understand. – Ernest Hemingway Long–range planning works best in the short term. – Doug Evelyn Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm. – Winston Churchill We have a strategic plan. It’s called doing things. – Herb Kelleher

Remember, choose one that really fits in with your followers’ profile. For business profiles, consider your niche before choosing. Lembre-se, escolha alguma que realmente se encaixe com o perfil de seus seguidores. Para perfis de negócios, considere seu nicho na hora de escolher.

Motivational and impacting quotes

These are some of the most common Instagram bio quotes and ideas. Share with your target demographic ideas that fit in with the way you think. Besides, you should look for references with famous names in your area or that have worked in the same trade. These options can even be a part of your posts should you choose to make images with phrases for Instagram.

Check out some Instagram bio quotes and ideas you can use for your business or in your Instagram Stories:

The mind is everything. What you think, you become. – Buddha To find yourself, think for yourself. – Socrates Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. – Confucius Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans. – John Lennon Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.. – Steve Jobs Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. – Mark Twain Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. – Eleanor Roosevelt Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly. – John F. Kennedy If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things. – Albert Einstein The more we value things, the less we value ourselves. – Bruce Lee Remember that life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away! – Vicki Corona The right people ~ the ones who really belong in your life ~ will come to you & stay. – Will Smith Just be yourself, there is no one better. – Taylor Swift Every flight begins with a fall. – George R.R. Martin Not all those who wander are lost. – J.R.R. Tolkien To Live is the Rarest Thing in the World. Most People Just Exist. – Oscar Wilde Nothing any good isn’t hard. – Scott Fitzgerald Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are. – Nicolau Maquiavel My goal is no longer to get more done, but rather to have less to do. – Francine Jay The beauty of things must be that they end. – Jack Kerouac

Skills, personal characteristics and achievements

The idea here is to use keywords that describe your profession, occupation, preferences, talents and whatnot. These Instagram bio ideas han help you connect with your target demographic. Remember to also share your achievements and titles, as well as your affiliates, if any. Adjust the phrases so they better fit in with your profile! Remember that the idea is to use these examples to make your own bio. Everything written in bold can easily be replaced to fit in with your reality.

See down below some great ways to show off your achievements with these Instagram bio ideas:

Writer. Movie and coffee lover. Proud owner of two cats; Vegetarian. Artist by trade. Photographer by hobby; Real state agent. Mother to two kids. Soccer player. Love for my team. Musician. Name of your band. Check out our virtual album. Java developer. Always a nerd. Champion of development event. Project manager. Desenvolvedor Java. Nerd de plantão. Campeão do evento de desenvolvimento. Gerente de projetos. SCRUM master. Author of x book. Subject teacher. Makeup artist. Name of your beauty salon. Labor lawyer in city you live in/state. Founder of group/company. I make music. Listen to it on my Stories! Professional ballet dancer. Dance instructor. I make sweets and party snacks, do you wanna try them out? Contact us! Event manager at company, send me a Direct! Professional chef. Owner of restaurant. Theater actor. Watch me on play. Doctor at hospital/clinic. Firefighter. Marathon runner. Photographer by hobby. Police sergeant in state. Doutor no hospital / clínica. Sargento da polícia civil no estado. Bombeiro. Maratonista. Fotógrafo por hobby.

It is worth noting that for any of the Instagram bio ideas you can use different fonts to separate or categorize each line.

Did you enjoy our best Instagram bio ideas?

Leave in the comments if you already knew them all or if we helped you out with creating your own biography. Remember to check out our guide with the most popular Instagram hashtags, the best apps to get Instagram followers, how to save a live video on Instagram, and learn how to use TikTok!

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